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Does Your Business Need to Hire a PPC Agency?

Posted on Mar 27, 2018 10:30:00 AM by Chans Weber

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Small business owners are constantly on the lookout for competitive advantages. With that in mind, it’s not surprising that PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is one of the most fashionable and effective marketing methods companies use to reach new heights (on Google and otherwise). But what’s the best way to utilize PPC for your business? Should you attempt to run your campaign in-house or should you even adopt PPC for your search engine marketing strategy in the first place? Today we’ll look at a few of those questions and explain what a PPC agency can do for your company:

Nature of PPC Ads

There’s a misconception that PPC advertising is preclusively expensive –– that only the biggest companies can afford it, and that it won’t make a difference for you unless you spend “x” amount of dollars. This isn’t necessarily true, though. Depending on your industry and goals, PPC advertising can actually be a tremendous way to land leads at a cost-effective clip –– as long as the ads are crafted with care.

Furthermore, PPC advertising is transitive in nature. Unlike a blog post or web page that will remain relatively static over time, PPC ads need regular maintenance and revision. However, the pay-off is potentially a big one. If you want to aggressively market yourself, or spark a dramatic increase in your web traffic in a short period of time, then PPC advertising is one of the best ways to do so.

Why Hire a PPC Agency?

You might be wondering what exactly a PPC agency does that you yourself couldn’t. After all, who knows your company better than you do? Well, the truth is running a PPC campaign is about understanding your company and how to effectively operate Google AdWords and other PPC platforms. Like we mentioned earlier, PPC campaigns can be run extremely efficiently –– provided you understand the intricacies of the system. To put it bluntly, it’s not the easiest program to operate, and you could spend untold hours trying to figure it out to no avail. Also, marketing companies understand not only how AdWords functions, but how to get the most out of your PPC ads. Picking out the optimum keywords, selecting negative keywords, tweaking the ads based on performance and timing, and geo-targeting your customer base with PPC ads are all benefits you’ll enjoy with an adept PPC agency.

Finding the Right Marketing Firm

In short, hiring a marketing or advertising firm is a good idea if you’re serious about pursuing a PPC strategy. Unless you have a team of experts at your disposal already, you won’t be able to 1) get the results you desire or 2) focus on your own business without looking elsewhere for PPC help. However, not all PPC consultants are created equal. The key to creating an effective marketing strategy is finding a marketing team that understands you and your company. After all, in order for your ads to work, the people writing them need to understand what’s special about you, your company, and the products or services you offer. The good news is, once you’ve found a solid PPC agency to partner with, you’ll likely see a significant boost in some vital areas.

The Bottom Line

PPC ads are complex, but highly effective tools in your marketing arsenal. As such, you should put them in the hands of people you trust. Contact the Leap Clixx team today and learn what we can do for your business. Whether you need PPC advertising assistance, or you’re looking to grow your company in the long-run with SEO practices, we can answer the bell and help you get the results you’re looking for. For more information on the benefits of an effective PPC campaign through Google AdWords, download our free eBook here:

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