Every business — including enterprises like Apple and Google — want to increase web traffic, because more traffic means more leads, more leads means more prospects, more prospects means more customers, more customers means more revenue, and more revenue means more profit. What’s not to love about this glorious chain of events? 

Well, if the costs of boosting web traffic in the first place is excessive (or just plain ridiculous), then this love train never leaves the station. That’s tragic. And what’s more, it’s unnecessary. Here are three cost-effective tactics that work:  

  1. Blogging 

In the big picture, there’s simply no more cost-effective way to increase web traffic than through blogging. Here’s proof (per research by HubSpot): 

  • Businesses that blog have 97% more inbound links than those that don’t.
  • 92% of businesses that blog multiple times per day have acquired a customer from their blog.
  • Businesses that prioritize blogging efforts are 13x more likely to generate positive ROI.
  • Businesses that publish 16+ blog posts per month get nearly 3.5x more traffic and generate 4.5x more leads vs. those that publish 0-4 blog posts per month.
  • 10% of blog posts are “compounding”, which means that organic search steadily increases their traffic over time. 
  1. Email Marketing

While technologies and trends come and go, email marketing remains on the scene for the simplest of reasons: it generates significant web traffic.

Of course, what worked in the past doesn’t work today; especially since email software is constantly on guard for perceived SPAM, and most people are inundated with dozens to hundreds of emails a day. However, as mentioned, this tactic still makes sense because it’s very cost-effective and gets results. For example:

  • Email has an average ROI of $38 for each $1 spent. (source: VB Insight)
  • Email is 40xmore effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter. (source: McKinsey)
  • The time that professionals (B2B) spend checking emails has increased 17% year-over-year. (source: Adobe)
  1. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

OK: before you start rolling your eyes (or maybe looking for the “X” on your browser to shut this article down!), let’s transparently say this: many businesses have wasted an enormous amount of money on PPC advertising, such as Google’s AdWords, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn ads, and so on. And if you’re one of these many business, you have our sympathies. 

However, the fact remains that PPC advertising can certainly be a cost-effective way to increase web traffic, provided that campaigns are properly strategized, executed, managed and optimized. At Leap Clixx many customers who partner with us to craft their blog content and handle their email marketing (along with other pieces of the online marketing mix) also rely on us to run their PPC advertising campaigns, and the results are outstanding. 

Learn More 

To learn more about how to increase web traffic so that you can turn more visitors into more profit, contact us today. We’ll take a closer look at what you’re currently doing, and help you identify practical and affordable ways to generate measurable and sustainable improvements. And since your initial consultation with us is free, there’s no risk.  

For more information on how to increase web traffic and make your website into a lead generation machine, download our FREE eBook:
