seo-strategy-adjustedSEO can be a very difficult concept to master. It’s not hard to understand – SEO essentially measures how easily your site can be found through online searches – but it’s an incredibly competitive field. Almost every website in existence wants to have better SEO, and they’re each trying to outdo the other for search supremacy.

You can’t expect to rank No. 1 for every keyword you utilize, but as time progresses, your rankings should be rising. If you find yourself struggling with your site’s SEO, and fear that you may need to change something, here are four things that can confirm your fears:

Your traffic is stagnant

The only thing worse than stagnant traffic is dwindling traffic, and it’s not much worse. If your traffic isn’t changing, you’re probably not getting a lot of new visitors, and without new visitors your leads will shrivel up. Your traffic should be rising steadily every month, with an occasional downturn. If it’s not tending up overall, your SEO strategy could be to blame.

Your keyword rankings aren’t changing

Everything involving SEO takes some time, including keyword rankings. As you utilize keywords more often in your content and post additional content, you should see these rankings begin to improve. If they’re not, it’s possible you’re not utilizing your keywords effectively, or you may simply have chosen keywords that are too competitive.

Your leads are tumbling

Leads are a critical part of any marketing campaign – you need leads in order to make sales, and without sales you don’t make any money. When your leads are declining, your content could be to blame; after all, if the content isn’t valuable and informative, why would a visitor want to download your content offers? But SEO could just as easily be the culprit. You need to make sure that possible leads are seeing your content, and if your SEO is poor, they may never find it.

Your social media following isn’t growing

Are you noticing a trend here? Good SEO = numbers trending up, while bad SEO = numbers trending down or staying stagnant. Social media is no different. A growing social media following is indicative of a couple of things: 1. You’re active on social media and 2. Your website and/or company is gaining in popularity and renown. If you have strong SEO, it will show in your social media following as it continuously increases. If your social media following is small, you need to pay more attention to your social media accounts and improve your website’s overall SEO as well.
